Birch Lane

Spoken matches Birch Lane furniture and home decor across 100s of other stores to find you the best price. Save on Birch Lane home products.


Birch Lane furniture styles are notoriously comfortable and classic. From perfect coastal-inspired outdoor furniture to custom upholstery, every little detail from Birch Lane is designed to bring communities and families closer together—around the fire on a summer evening, in the living room on a family movie night, or around the beautiful handcrafted dining table that you found half off on Spoken. *Wink*

What we love

Birch Lane’s commitment to togetherness inspires us, especially since we value the sanctity of making a home with the ones we love. Simple, beautiful details make you feel like you can enjoy your space with family and friends in the coastal, farmhouse, or cottage-inspired home you love most: yours.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can return most items for a refund or store credit within 30 days of delivery. This includes items that are not a perfect match for your home. Certain items such as clearance, gift cards, personalized products, items bought as part of a bundle at a discounted rate, open-box items, items you've assembled, and items marked as non-returnable are excluded from this policy​​.

Birch Lane Collections

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