Lulu and Georgia Console Tables

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Lulu and Georgia Console Tables

Functional doesn't mean a console table can't also be beautiful. If you are looking for a piece that can do double duty elevating your space and providing the storage you need, then Lulu and Georgia's credenzas are a perfect match. With a design philosophy that practical storage doesn't have to mean sacrificing elevated design, these pieces strike a perfect balance to help bring your space to life. And now you can have the perfect price as well - we've done all the work comparing online retailers to bring you the best possible price on the exact pieces you're in love with. Now you don't have to sacrifice anything.

Lulu and Georgia Console Tables are Beautiful and Functional

For many people, high-end and beautiful design means trading off practical storage or use. But Lulu and Georgia defy that rule, bringing console tables that seamlessly blend functionality and artistry together. Many credenzas and console tables are placed in areas that get high traffic - places like the front door or entryway. Add a wooden or ceramic catchall tray and a jewelry rack that will draw a little more attention to your console table as guests are passing it by to drop off their belongings. A tabletop welcome sign will do the trick, too.