Bulla Bottle Opener
Height | 0.79 in |
Depth | 1.18 in |
Width | 2.95 in |
Weight | 0.2 lb |
Bulla Bottle Opener
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Height | 0.79 in |
Depth | 1.18 in |
Width | 2.95 in |
Weight | 0.2 lb |
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Great 18th birthday present
A beautifully designed bottle opener, fabulous quality and very cool for a young man to have on his key ring.
Paying for the style
If you're paying this much for a bottle opener, then you probably don't need me to tell you that you're paying for form over function. Cheaper bottle openers do the job as well. I bought it for the size - it's a lot smaller than your regular opener (it's 'fits in a fill-your-own-cracker' size).
A beautiful gift.
A beautiful gift bought for someone else, so not yet used. It looks high quality and was delivered very quickly.
Alessi Bottle Opener
Bought as a stylish birthday gift for an acquaintance who is young, trendy & brand aware. Priced right. Very pleased with my choice. Fuss-free order & delivery as expected from John Lewis.
Piękny i funkcjonalny.
Perfectly designed item
wonderfully weighted, perfect form and function. Lovely to give as a gift
What on earth??
What is that you bought for my birthday? said my son. After thinking a bit more, and reading the label, he was absolutely delighted with an extremely stylish and functional addition for his entertaining banter.
Useful bottle opener
Stylish in its looks . Makes a great 18th /21st gift
Well received gift.
Appreciated the design and so purchased as a gift for a person with bags of style. Very well received and very well used.
Quite unusual and fun!
Stylish & practical
Absolutely love Alessi design. This is an affordable classic, beautiful and very useful.
Great gift
Bought for a friend for his 60th birthday. He really loved it - very tactile.
Genau wie erwartet. Liegt schn in der Hand.
Bottle opener
Absolutely gorgeous. You will not be disappointed.
Beautiful design. Really stunning.makes a great present. Slightly smaller than I expected and sometimes needs two attempts to get kid off
Beautiful and different
The bottle opener is really beautiful, its organic design harmonizes well with the cool stainless steel. The opener also goes very well with other Alessi pieces in stainless steel pleated style by Lluis Clotet. Beyond its function, it also functions as a decorative pendant. Unfortunately, the band is made of leather and smells strong, there is no information about the leather processing and origin! So I exchanged the strap myself for another one without leather.
Belle et différente
L'ouvre-bouteille est vraiment beau, son design organique s'harmonise bien avec l'acier inoxydable frais. L'ouvreur se marie aussi très bien avec d'autres pièces d'Alessi en style plissé en acier inoxydable de Lluis Clotet. Au-delà de sa fonction, il fonctionne également comme un pendentif décoratif. Malheureusement, la bande est en cuir et sent fort, il n'y a pas d'informations sur le traitement du cuir et son origine ! J'ai donc échangé la sangle moi-même contre une autre sans cuir.
Dejligt og anderledes
Flaskeåbneren er virkelig smuk, dens organiske form passer godt til det kølige rustfrie stål. Åbneren passer også meget godt til andre Alessi-stykker i rustfrit stål foldestil fra Lluis Clotet. Ud over funktionen fungerer den også som en dekoration (vedhæng). Remmen er desværre lavet af læder og lugter strengt, desværre er der ingen information om læderforarbejdning og oprindelse! Derfor har jeg udvekslet stroppen med en anden uden læder.
Mooi en anders
De flesopener is echt mooi, het organische ontwerp harmonieert goed met het koele roestvrijstaal. De opener gaat ook heel goed samen met andere Alessi stukken in roestvrijstalen plooistijl van Lluis Clotet. Naast zijn functie fungeert het ook als een decoratieve hanger. Helaas is de band gemaakt van leer en ruikt sterk, er is geen informatie over de verwerking en herkomst van het leer! Dus ik heb de riem zelf geruild voor een andere zonder leer.
Schön und anders
Der Flaschenöffner ist wirklich schön, seine organische Formgebung harmoniert gut mit dem kühlen Edelstahl. Der Öffner passt auch sehr gut zu anderen Alessistücken im Edelstahl-Falten-Stil von Lluis Clotet. Über die Funktion hinaus funktioniert er auch als Deko(-Anhänger). Das Band ist leider aus Leder und riecht streng, zu der Lederverarbeitung und Herkunft gibt es leider keine Angaben! Das Band habe ich daher selbst gegen ein anderes ohne Leder getauscht.