Top Low-Light Indoor Plants to Brighten Your Home

Top Low-Light Indoor Plants to Brighten Your Home

Green thrives in the shadows as low-light indoor plants bring nature's beauty to every corner. From the dramatic Stromanthe Triostar to the easy-care Pothos 'N'joy', these resilient botanicals transform dim spaces into lush, living sanctuaries without demanding a sun-soaked windowsill.


Having indoor plants not only adds beauty to your home but also brings a sense of tranquility and freshness to your living space. If you are looking for low-light indoor plants that can thrive even in the darkest corners of your home, you've come to the right place! In this article, we will explore some popular houseplants that are perfect for brightening up your home, even in low-light conditions.

When it comes to low-light conditions, certain houseplants can adapt and thrive better than others. Let's take a closer look at some of these low-light champions.

Having houseplants in your home not only adds a touch of greenery but also provides numerous benefits. They can improve air quality, reduce stress levels, and even boost your mood. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right houseplant for your space. However, we've narrowed down the selection to three exceptional choices that are perfect for low-light environments.

A Guide to Caring for a Baby Rubber Plant

The Baby Rubber Plant, also known as Peperomia obtusifolia, is an excellent choice for low-light environments. Its thick, glossy leaves add a touch of elegance to any room. This compact plant is perfect for small spaces or as a tabletop decoration.

green leaf plant
Photo by Igor Son

When it comes to caring for your Baby Rubber Plant, it's important to find the right balance of light and water. Place it in a spot where it receives indirect light or fluorescent lighting. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight as it can scorch the leaves. As for watering, it's best to water your plant thoroughly when the top inch of soil becomes dry, but be careful not to overwater. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other issues, so it's always better to underwater than overwater.

Unveiling the Beauty of Hoya Pubicalyx Splash

If you are a fan of trailing plants, Hoya Pubicalyx Splash is definitely worth considering. This stunning vining plant features variegated leaves with splashes of pink, cream, and green, adding an eye-catching touch to any space. Its cascading vines can be trained to climb up trellises or displayed in hanging pots, making it a versatile choice for plant enthusiasts.

a person holding a plant in a white pot
Photo by feey

When it comes to caring for Hoya Pubicalyx Splash, it's important to provide it with the right conditions. Place it in a bright spot with indirect light, as direct sunlight can scorch the leaves. Water it when the top inch of soil feels dry, but avoid overwatering. This plant thrives in slightly humid conditions, so misting it occasionally can help maintain its health and beauty. Additionally, fertilize it once a month during the growing season to promote vigorous growth and vibrant foliage.

Tips for Growing and Maintaining English Ivy Indoors

English Ivy is a timeless classic that complements any home decor style. Its lush, trailing vines can be trained to climb up walls or displayed in hanging pots, adding a touch of elegance to your living space. Apart from its aesthetic appeal, English Ivy is known for its air-purifying abilities, making it perfect for improving indoor air quality.

When growing English Ivy indoors, it's important to provide it with the right conditions to thrive. Place it in a location with bright, indirect light, as direct sunlight can scorch the leaves. Allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings but never let it completely dry out. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so it's crucial to find the right balance. Additionally, trimming any leggy or yellowing leaves will encourage bushier growth and help maintain the plant's overall health.

a close-up of a plant
Photo by Claudia Pop

With these three exceptional houseplants, you can bring a touch of nature into your home even in low-light conditions. Whether you choose the elegant Baby Rubber Plant, the eye-catching Hoya Pubicalyx 'Splash,' or the classic English Ivy, each of these plants will not only beautify your space but also provide numerous benefits for your well-being.

Stromanthe Triostar: A Colorful Addition

Looking to add a pop of color to your indoor garden? Stromanthe Triostar is the answer. With its vibrant foliage featuring shades of green, pink, and cream, this plant is sure to make a statement in any room.

The Stromanthe Triostar, also known as Stromanthe sanguinea, is a member of the Marantaceae family, native to the rainforests of Brazil. Its striking leaves are not only visually appealing but also serve a functional purpose in nature. In the wild, these plants grow under the canopy of larger trees, receiving dappled sunlight, which is why they thrive in bright, indirect light conditions indoors.

Stromanthe Triostar

How to Keep Your Stromanthe Triostar Thriving

To keep your Stromanthe Triostar happy, place it in bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves. The plant prefers slightly moist soil, so water it when the top inch of soil feels dry. Mist the leaves regularly or place a tray with water nearby to increase humidity.

When it comes to temperature, the Stromanthe Triostar prefers to be in a warm environment, ideally between 65-75°F (18-24°C). Avoid placing it near drafts or heating vents, as sudden temperature changes can stress the plant. Fertilize your Stromanthe Triostar during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced houseplant fertilizer to support healthy growth.

Philodendron Prince of Orange: Brighten Your Space

If you're searching for a plant that adds a splash of color to your home, look no further than the Philodendron Prince of Orange. Its vibrant orange leaves can instantly brighten any space.

The Philodendron Prince of Orange, also known by its scientific name Philodendron 'Prince of Orange,' is a striking tropical plant that belongs to the Araceae family. Originating from the rainforests of Brazil, this plant has become a popular choice for indoor plant enthusiasts due to its stunning foliage and relatively easy care requirements.

a close up of a bunch of colorful leaves
Photo by Joshua Woods

With its heart-shaped leaves that start off a bright coppery-orange when young and gradually mature into a deep green color, the Philodendron Prince of Orange adds a touch of warmth and tropical flair to any room. Its compact size makes it ideal for tabletops, shelves, or as a hanging plant, bringing a pop of color to even the smallest of spaces.

Healthy and Vibrant Philodendron Prince of Orange

To ensure your Philodendron Prince of Orange thrives, place it in bright, indirect light. Water it when the top inch of soil feels dry. This plant appreciates slightly higher humidity, so misting it or placing it near a humidifier can promote healthy growth.

Additionally, fertilize your Philodendron Prince of Orange every 4-6 weeks during the growing season to provide it with the nutrients it needs to maintain its vibrant foliage. Regularly inspect the leaves for any dust accumulation and gently wipe them with a damp cloth to keep them clean and allow for better light absorption.

Boston Fern: A Classic Houseplant

When it comes to classic houseplants, the Boston Fern is a top contender. Its feathery fronds create an elegant and lush display that can transform any room into a green oasis.

Creating the Perfect Environment for Your Boston Fern

To create the ideal environment for your Boston Fern, place it in a bright spot with indirect light. Keep the soil evenly moist but not overly saturated. High humidity is crucial for this plant, so consider using a humidifier or placing a tray of water nearby.

Pothos N'joy: Easy-Care and Stylish Plant for Beginners

If you are new to indoor gardening and looking for an easy-care plant to start with, Pothos N'joy is the perfect choice. With its variegated heart-shaped leaves, this plant adds a touch of elegance to any space.

Essential Tips for Growing Pothos 'N'joy' Successfully

Pothos N'joy thrives in low-light conditions, making it an excellent choice for dimly lit rooms. Water it when the top inch of soil feels dry. This plant is forgiving when it comes to watering, so slight variations in moisture levels won't harm it. Trim the vines as needed to maintain its compact and bushy appearance.

a hand holding a potted plant
Photo by feey

Large Snake Black Coral: A Statement Plant for Your Living Space

If you're looking for a striking and unique plant to make a statement in your living space, the Large Snake Black Coral is a perfect choice. Its dark green leaves with silver patterns add a touch of drama and sophistication to any room.

Caring for Large Snake Black Coral: Dos and Don'ts

To care for your Large Snake Black Coral, place it in a low to medium light environment. Water it when the top inch of soil feels dry. This plant appreciates slightly higher humidity levels, so occasional misting can help maintain its health and beauty.

green plant in white pot
Photo by Gabriella Clare Marino

Rabbit Foot Fern: Unique and Charming Addition to Your Plant Collection

If you're looking for a plant with a unique appearance, the Rabbit Foot Fern is a perfect choice. Its furry rhizomes resemble rabbit's feet, adding a touch of whimsy and charm to your indoor garden.

How to Propagate and Expand Your Rabbit Foot Fern Collection

To propagate your Rabbit Foot Fern, divide the plant by gently separating the rhizomes and planting them in separate pots. Keep the new plants in a warm and humid environment until they establish their own root systems. Once established, care for them as you would for a mature Rabbit Foot Fern.

green fern leaf plant
Photo by Orth BEE

Adding low-light indoor plants to your home is a fantastic way to brighten up any space. Whether you opt for the vibrant foliage of Stromanthe Triostar or the whimsical appeal of the Rabbit Foot Fern, these plants will not only beautify your home but also create a soothing and refreshing ambiance. So go ahead and bring nature indoors with these top low-light indoor plants!


Mihai Crisan

Software Engineer at Spoken

Mihai is a dedicated software engineer at Spoken, where he combines his passion for technology with his professional expertise. As a tech geek, he is always on the lookout for innovative solutions to simplify and enhance people's lives through cutting-edge technology. Mihai’s curiosity drives him to explore and implement new ideas that make a real impact.

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